Successful Landing Pages

It takes website visitors a few seconds to judge what they see and then make a quick decision.

It only takes website visitors a few seconds to judge what they see and then make a quick decision;

“should I stay or should I go?”


Landing Pages

A good website landing page has a purpose; a reason to exist beyond looking good or sounding impressive.  There needs to be a clear message communicated through the images, graphics, text and video content. The page should avoid being overly complicated, but it must engage with the target audience and encourage them to follow a call to action: donate, sign up, call us, shop etc.

At this point, it is important to add that your Home Page isn’t necessarily the first page that a visitor will see. Depending on their search, any page of your website is a potential landing page. Each should clearly communicate your core message and a preferred means of contact.


I spend a lot of time on the Internet; it’s my daily work environment. Browsing the Internet and reading enables me to learn, discover, build my opinions and gather information. My story is far from unique; most of us spend considerable time on the Internet every day and it is for this reason, that it provides a great marketing platform.

No matter what products or services you offer, there is plenty of online competition.  For any browser, the number of choices and options are countless. That’s why it only takes website visitors a few seconds to judge what they see and then make a quick decision; is this exactly what I’m looking for, or better try elsewhere.

Your company pages have to stand out in this highly competitive marketplace and that can be achieved but not without an effort.


In the year 2000, we could boast of having an attention span of 12 seconds. Not anymore; the Microsoft study revealed that we now have an attention span of eight seconds–making our attention span shorter than that of a goldfish.


Customer Focused Landing Pages

I still regularly come across web pages with no keywords in headlines, misleading titles, stunning but irrelevant pictures, barely legible text and no call to action. There is simply too much online competition to be missing an opportunity to actively and positively promote what you do, in a customer focused way.

Up to Date Landing Pages

Another problem is outdated websites; those which look as though they haven’t been touched since the day they were launched. There are websites that aren’t mobile responsive, rely on outdated technology, such as Flash or sites where the latest blog post is two years old. It makes you wonder if the company is still open for business.

A good website landing page has to be kept updated in order to keep pace with customer expectations, technology and the evolution of your business. It has to accurately reflect what you offer, how you can solve clients problem, showcase testimonials and examples. It needs to be rather short, simple and convincing visitors contact you, buy, register or donate. A custom design landing pages are essential to secure a success of advertising campaigns.

Focused Landing Pages

Every business offers specific products and services that will only really appeal to a certain customer. You simply can’t offer everything to everyone. Be clear about what you do and who you serve.


As an example, when searching for a local window cleaner, Would you more likely to call if you saw an image of someone cleaning a window with a headline such as this:

‘John and Fred Window Cleaners, serving Aylesbury residents since 1998’

3 Bedroom Properties cleaned for £15. Save time before Christmas and call us 01296 123456 to book an appointment

Or would you less likely to call if you saw:

‘John & Fred – The number one solution for all your cleaning and removal requirements’

Contact us to find out more.


If your company fails to attract fresh leads via your website, it could suggest it is time to make improvements. Framework Digital can help you to get up to date with technology, customer demands and content.

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Priscila Rodrigues

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