Put Your Company on Google Maps

Not sure why your business hasn't got a prominent presence on Google Search and Maps?


The updated article is below.

This remains a positive SEO option for SMEs who are looking to improve the rank of their web pages. If you have questions about Google My Business and Google Maps Framework Digital is here to help.

Google My Business is a toolset, which helps small and local businesses to get found on Google Search and Google Maps.

Google My Business puts your business info on Search, Maps and Google+ page so that customers can easily find your company, shop, school or charity. The service is optimised for mobile users. Your customers can show their appreciation with ratings and reviews, use the +1 button to endorse your business across the web.

The tool which can be found at google.com/mybusiness brings all of the above together into one place for you to set up, edit and monitor.

If you have got your Google+ business page and you are the manager of it, just go to that page and you will be prompted with ‘steps-to-follow’. The process will take you the final upgrade.


Not everything in the world of Digital Marketing and SEO costs a fortune. Google offers a comprehensive and accessible set of tools for the local business owners and SEO experts like Framework Digital e.g. Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Maps, Google Apps …


If you can’t see your company on Goole Maps, search for ‘google my business’ and sign-up.

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If for any reason you don’t want to go through this process yourself, we can set this up for you and let you manage this entity alongside. 


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Would you feel like your business is missing something in that fast-changing Internet environment – talk to us – we put an effort to be up-to-date with the latest and always happy to share with our customers.

Call 01296 320820


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Ask a question or book a meeting.

Call 01296 320820 – 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday

Priscila Rodrigues

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