COVID-19 Update

23th March 2020

We hope you are keeping well and safe.

Following the latest government advice, we are not going to open our office from 24th March until further notice.

However testing the future is going to be for all of us and our families, friends, neighbours and clients, we are committed to secure business continuity and provide support whenever we can.

So far the best we can do is to follow advice form official channels local authority, schools, business support


29th May 2020

We are planning to open up the office on the 3rd August 2020.

In the mean time, we keep on working on existing and new projects. We have been also developing our services to make what we offer more beneficial for our clients.



Ask a question or book a meeting.

Call 01296 320820 – 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday

Priscila Rodrigues

Click here to make enquiry

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