Google Ads Webinar – Aug 2020

Understand the ins and outs of Google Ads

Google Ads system and how to optimise on search results to drive new business.

This webinar is organised by Buckinghamshire Business First.

We will cover:

  • SEO vs Google Ads.
  • How the Google Ads system works
  • What kind of campaigns are right for your company?
  • Money; How much does it cost to advertise?
  • What results can be expected?


Who is this event aimed at?

This webinar is designed for business owners and managers who are interested in Google Advertising. If you don’t want to waste time and money experimenting, this session could help not only understand how it works but also gives tips and strategies for getting great results.


What Knowledge will you take away with you?

The session is divided into 3 chapters:

  1. Introduction – The basics about online advertising. Learn the differences between paid and organic search results (PPC vs SEO), in order for you to make the right choice for your company. an explanation of the basic terminology.
  2. Google Ads system – You will learn the details of Google Ads; the points that make the difference between disappointing results and the best return of your investment. We use real case studies of advertising campaigns to illustrate the points and clarify the benefits.
  3. Q&A – Thesession will end with the opportunity for attendees to ask specific questions about their own businesses.



Date: 26 August, 2020 – 26 August, 2020
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Price: Free

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Priscila Rodrigues

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