Bucks Gardens Trust

When a website is packed with historic insight, research papers and current events, how do you enable intuitive navigation and a positive user experience? We solved that challenge when redesigning a website for local charity, Bucks Garden Trust.
a laptop with a bucks garden trust website home page displayed on it


Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust encourages people to visit and enjoy local parks and gardens by providing guided tours, conducting research and preserving elements of historic importance. The board identified that a new website would be essential for attracting interest, building awareness and encouraging supporters.


Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust has evolved continuously since it was founded. The existing website was used as a means of storing current and historic content, with every document having value to the organisation. However, this was impeding navigation, so we needed them to approach the project from the website visitor’s perspective.They also highlighted an issue with Google Maps, which was linked to the private address of a Board member and a complex email setup also needed attention.


We began by clarifying the branding and creating a visually appealing web design. Having agreed on the main menu and essential content, we categorised the information and created a filter for visitors. This was one of many steps to simplify the navigation. In addition, we presented a document storage solution that was hidden from public view.Calls to action were added to every page to encourage volunteers, donations and sponsorship. For each action, we incorporated automation to reduce the manual administrative processes required by the team. Finally, we resolved the Google Maps and email issues and ensured they were confident in updating information on the site.


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Training and support 

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responsive design

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Thank you so very much for presenting the initial draft of the new Bucks Gardens Trust website today; it is excellent, clear and will be easy to navigate.  Thank you for all the thought you have given and are giving, to its design and construction.
Rosemary, Bucks Garden Trust Board

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Priscila Rodrigues

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