
How do you control access to certain areas of the website and ensure that different users only receive relevant information? This was one of the technical challenges we solved when developing a website for London not-for-profit, Modeshift.
Modeshift home page on a mac laptop


Modeshift is a not-for-profit membership organisation and national initiative headed up by the Board of Transport for London. It aims to promote road safety during commutes to school, college and work and encourage sustainable transport choices. Modeshift wanted a website that would act as a platform for connecting professionals through online discussion and provide information to registered users.


To operate in the desired way, this website development project incorporated many technical features. These included restricted access to specific areas of the website, several newsletter templates and an event calendar. They also needed a means of grouping members to ensure that newsletters, forum topics and job listings were only sent to relevant parties.


We developed a website with all the required functionality, including different access points for members, organisations and individuals. This controls who can see or contribute to shared information. Our design offers the opportunity for member discussions, appropriate newsletter distribution, a blog space and events calendar.  Modeshift was impressed by our ability to deliver the complex functionalities of this website. It prompted them to engage us to manage an affiliated website, Modeshift Stars, which is accessed by UK primary schools. 


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Integrations (CRM / payment) 

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responsive design

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established a good standard for publishing content for teachers and branding
Buckinghamshire Council

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