Client Spotlight – Bucks Data Exchange

We spoke to Nadia Al-Sabouni about Bucks Data Exchange. Nadia and her team analyse and present data in a digestible way. This helps senior decision makers shape a better future.
Nadia from Bucks Data Exchange photo in 3 circles

What is your role at your organisation and what do you enjoy most about it?


I am a Business Intelligence Business Partner at Buckinghamshire Council. My team provides high-quality specialist data and intelligence to support strategic decision making and policy setting at the council. I lead a team of analysts with specialist skills in data architecture, automated reporting, quantitative and qualitative analytics, information visualisation and communication.

I am also the Council lead for the Bucks Data Exchange, a data sharing and community of practise platform, designed to give the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) and Partners, the information, insight and skills they need to make evidence led decisions for funding applications and strategic decision making.

The thing I enjoy most is using our technical skills, curious minds, and objective mindsets to better understand both the issues with and potential of society and place. Then transforming this insight into something digestible that senior decision makers can use to help shape a better future through the services they offer.



Tell us about your organisation and what it strives for?

Buckinghamshire Council is the sixth largest local authority in the Country with 555,257 residents (2021). The Council strives to make Buckinghamshire the best place to live, work, and do business, while ensuring residents live healthy, successful lives with independence. We aim to create positive changes for local people, communities, visitors, and businesses, and create a place where all residents have the opportunity to succeed and thrive. Priorities include well-designed homes, education opportunities, development of a skilled workforce, building world-class infrastructure to support businesses, and tacking Climate Change.



What challenge/s did you want Framework Digital to help you with?

Framework Digital developed the web-based Bucks Data Exchange platform. We knew how we wanted it to work and what content we had to share, but we needed a platform to act as a home to this information and community.


Can you tell us something that happened during a project you weren’t expecting?

I found Framework Digital to be more socially minded than I was expecting. They genuinely wanted to help us build this platform because of the social value it would add. They were efficient, intelligent, demonstrated expertise and quality alongside being practical. We delivered the platform in under 9 months from conception of the idea to launch, which when all the partners were delivering this through ‘time-in-kind’ on top of their day-jobs was impressive.



If you were to recommend Framework Digital to someone, what would you say?

I would personally recommend them strongly. They are kind and decent individuals who are also extremely talented and motivated and have delivered not only what we wanted, but also what we needed.



Thanks so much to Nadia for participating in Client Spotlight this month! We love how the Bucks Data Exchange helps organisations such as charities digest important data. In turn this helps the beneficiaries and improves lives. Keep up the incredible work, Nadia and team!

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