We designed an accessible, informative and easy to navigate website that helped to give them a competitive edge in the market. To reduce admin time and costs, we combined the two sites and created a splash screen for the new domain. This aided navigation to the chosen crematoria, so each had its own identity and appeared separate, even though they were on the same URL.
To further differentiate the two crematorium sites, we used custom built WordPress themes and our advanced web design skills, to design unique page elements, separate colour schemes and two sets of navigation. Fortunately, the Digital Team shared their extensive user research to inform our decisions on navigation and design. This enabled us to provide the perfect user experience that was tailored to their audience.
We provided a secure, green hosting solution for the site and led training sessions as post-launch support. The website admins can now edit with confidence. The entire process was smooth due to excellent collaboration and regular meetings to work on the project.
Accessible design
Responsive design
Training and support
Web hosting
Domain management
I’m so pleased what the team at Framework Digital have managed to do with our website.
We have already had many positive responses to the new website.