Website Redesign. New Year, New Website?

Is your website ready for the new year? Book a free website audit today. We can help you align your website to your 2024 goals.
website redesign with Framework Digital - Clare foundation website on a laptop screen

In the spirit of the New Year, it’s time to rethink your organisation’s goals and resolutions. Your website is a key part of showcasing these goals online. Is your website aligned with your main messaging? Perhaps it’s time for a digital transformation in 2024.

We are here to guide you through website redesign, ensuring your online presence reflects your organisation’s aims and goals.

Why Choose Framework Digital for Your Redesign?

  1. Better User Experience (UX)

At Framework Digital, we go beyond aesthetics. We have in-house User Experience experts helping us to provide better User Experience. Our team understands how to design websites that not only look good but are also easy to navigate. Improve your user engagement by redesigning your website with us.

  1. Experienced Web Design

With years of experience and over 100 websites built, we keep up with the latest web design trends. We will create a modern, attractive, and functional website that achieves your goals. Whether you are a charity, business or local authority, we can help.

  1. Socially Responsible Approach

We care about more than just websites – we look after our local community. Choosing Framework Digital means supporting a socially conscious partner. We focus on sustainability and accessibility to ensure your website aligns with ethical standards.

We offer work placement to students at Aylesbury College and internships for those keen to learn more about web design.

We also use a 100% renewable-energy data centre to hold our servers.

Why Redesign Your Website in the New Year?

  1. Outdated Look and Feel

Trends change, and an old website design may make you seem outdated. Let Framework Digital update your website and bring it in line with web design that belongs in 2024.

  1. Aligning Content with New Goals

As your organisation evolves, so should your website. If your current site doesn’t convey your new goals, it’s time for a redesign. We have long-standing partnerships with excellent copywriters to help your content tell your new story.

  1. Keeping Up with Technology

If your site isn’t up to date, you risk falling behind. We source and integrate the latest functionality for your website, ensuring you achieve your 2024 goals. Are you a charity in need of more donations? We can redesign your website. Are you a business in need of more leads? We can redesign your website. Local authority? You get the idea.

Book a Free Website Audit

Wondering how your current website is performing? Framework Digital offers a free audit, analysing key aspects such as:

  • Appearance
  • Content
  • Functionality
  • Optimisation
  • and Performance.

Our User Experience expertise means we answer critical questions such as:

“Do your customers clearly understand what you do?”

“What would encourage them to approach you?”

These help us to understand how to improve your website.

Click here to book your free website audit and gain the key points in the website redesign you need.

Redefine Your Digital Future with Framework Digital

Ready to make a change for the better in the new year? Contact Framework Digital today and let us redefine your digital presence. Together, we’ll ensure that your website meets and exceeds your aspirations, setting the stage for a successful year ahead.

Ask a question or book a meeting.

Call 01296 320820 – 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday

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