Mailbox settings on Apple’s mobile devices

We offer web and email hosting as a part of our service. Google, Yahoo, BT or Hotmail mailboxes, however free and usually reliable, are not the recommended choice for business communication. It looks more professional and it is easier for customers to remember company name and contact details e.g. Company XYZ Ltd with the web address and the contact email

To review your settings or set up a new account please follow the instruction.

[av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’30’ av_uid=’av-urhxou’]

You need:

  • an active email account with us
  • username – that is your email address for the mailbox you want to set on your device
  • your email account password –  contact if you can’t remember it
  • 10 minutes or less

[av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’30’ av_uid=’av-swrvxa’]

[av_dropcap2 color=”default” custom_bg=”#444444″]1[/av_dropcap2]

Go to Settings – cogs icon on your device


Next, find Accounts & Passwords and tap this option.


If you are setting up a new account tap ‘Add Account’ then go to 4A.

If you are reviewing your current setting tap the account name you want to manage then go to 4B.



Pick ‘Other

Add Mail Account

Fill in  all details and press ‘Next’ – that will take you to step 5



Confirm the email account


Account Screen where you can review:

Account Information  – (name, email and description)
Incoming Mail Server – hostname that is always in the same format mail.(your domain name)
Username – your username is simply your email address
Password – it was supplied by us (if you have lost your password then email

From this screen, you can go to SMTP (steps 6 and 7)  and Advanced (step 8)



SMTP server setting – tap Primary Server


Important settings here! 

Server is on
Incoming Mail Server – hostname that is always in the same format mail.(your domain name)
Username – your username is simply your email address
Password – it was supplied by us (if you have lost your password then email
Use SSL is on
Authentication is set to ‘Password’
Port is 587



The last step – Advanced

USE SSL is on
Authentication is set to ‘Password”
Server port is 993





We are using exactly the same server with the same settings as our customers. We have got various computer systems and mobile phones that are receiving and sending hundreds of emails every month. So, if email service would not work as it should, we are first to know and act to restore the pace and order.

If you have better things to do in your life than setting up email app on your computer or mobile, let us do it for you – call 01296 320820 and enquire about ‘Support Hours’.

General email setting instructions are available here.

Call 01296 320 820 and ask for ‘Support Hours’ if you need extra help.

We can also set mailboxes on our hosting server for new customers.

Ask a question or book a meeting.

Call 01296 320820 – 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday

Priscila Rodrigues

Click here to make enquiry

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