Client Spotlight – Bierton and Chilterns Crematoria

We spoke with Stephanie Young from Buckinghamshire Council’s Communities Directorate in this month’s Client Spotlight. Find out about Stephanie’s role in this industry and our partnership in building their website.
There is a purple background with two circles on top. The biggest circle on the right has an image of a brunette, white woman taking a selfie. The second circle underneath the first one is a darker purple colour. In the top left is an image of the Buckinghamshire council logo in a blue colour.

We spoke with Stephanie Young in this month’s Client Spotlight. This project is a great example of how good collaboration can lead to great results. Find out about Stephanie’s role in the industry and her opinion on the project.

What is your role at your organisation and what do you enjoy most about it?

My role is the Crematoria Business Development Manager for Buckinghamshire Council. It is a very varied role, which consists of (but not exclusive to) finance, supporting budgeting, checking sales, building up spreadsheets and monitoring KPI’s, introducing new products and services, setting fees as well as maintaining engagement with our stakeholders, funeral directors, and suppliers like Framework Digital. I also head up our memorial and administrative team with the help of my supervisor.

What I enjoy most about my role is looking for opportunities to grow our business and introduce new products. Whether it’s a product to sell or making internal improvements to aspects such as the website. I like seeing how different elements create a positive impact to our service users.

Tell us about your organisation and what it strives for

We are part of Buckinghamshire Council and sit within the Communities Directorate. You can’t undo a funeral, so it is important to make sure that every single service is the best it can possibly be. We make sure the services run smoothly by paying attention to the small details that give families a seamless, enjoyable service to celebrate the life of their loved ones.

What challenge did you face and want Framework Digital to help you with?

The crematoria website was very dated with a 90’s sort of look to it. It was very hard to navigate with no clear path on how to view the site effectively as links were not working properly, basically you could get lost very quickly and easily. I approached Mike to discuss how we could improve the site and then went back to get the spend approved so we could start building the website. Thankfully in between that time the web team decided they wanted to move our platform off the current one, so we joined teams, and the rest is history! We’ll continue to work with Framework to improve and continue to grow as we get budgets approved and plans set.

Can you tell us something that happened on the project that you weren’t expecting?

I don’t know what I was expecting to be honest as I wasn’t familiar with this process to begin with, but it was a learning curve to understand how everything works and the potential to grow with this type of project. I enjoyed every step of the process and seeing all the designs that Framework came up with. I remember saying ‘that’s brilliant, I love that’ and then Framework would say, ‘Hmm, we think we could do better’ and then they would come back with something even better than before and open my eyes once again! I really liked the collaboration between us, and it was great to work with Framework on this project.


If you were to recommend Framework Digital to someone, what would you say?

Fantastic team! Framework really go out of their way to make sure that your project gets to where it needs to be. I loved how open minded they were to listen to different points of view and ideas so that the project became a great example of collaborative work. Overall, they are really friendly and a great bunch of people to work with!

A screen grab of the Chilterns home page. It includes a green and white design with images.
Chilterns Crematorium Website
A screen grab of the Bierton home page. It includes a blue and white design with images.
Bierton Crematorium Website

Thank you to Stephanie for participating in our Client Spotlight! If you would like to get involved in our Client Spotlight next month, email

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Priscila Rodrigues

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