T-level Students Begin Work Placement

t level students on placement

Framework Digital relocated to Bucks Digital Hub last week, yet they have already welcomed two Aylesbury College students for work placements. The T-level students will have the opportunity to put skills learnt in the classroom into practice, as they work on a real web development brief over the coming weeks.

Framework Digital specialise in web development, online advertising and CRM systems for local businesses and charities. The team have prior experience mentoring students as they apply their skills to develop a charity’s online presence.

“Involving students in charity projects helps to keep the cost of website development down while enabling students to gain experience and satisfaction in accomplishing a project. It’s a win-win for all parties involved.”

– Tomas Pukalski, MD Framework Digital

Taking the lead role in mentoring the students, is web designer Emona (photo above) She initially joined the Framework Digital team for a work placement, so knows how it feels to be in the student’s shoes. Emona’s positive attitude, willingness to learn and design skills impressed Tomas and she was offered a full-time position after completing her studies in 2020.

In addition to expanding the student’s digital know-how, the Framework Digital team are keen for the students to learn employability skills, including punctuality, communication, presentation and collaboration. These are relevant no matter what career they decide to pursue.

Framework Digital was drawn to relocate to Bucks Digital Hub by the potential of being part of collaborative networking and support. The new workspace and access to facilities support their growth plans. The team are looking forward to working with Jim Gabriel, Entrepreneur in Residence and Caroline Downer, Community Manager, to host local business events which share digital skills, knowledge and insight.

“Framework Digital’s approach to supporting young people in their skills development is a great example of what we are striving to achieve with the Hubs at Buckinghamshire New University. The Hubs are the interface for innovation in action, drawing businesses into the university eco-system and helping students to spin out into the business community. And we know for a fact that engaging students in business is good for students and good for business. So, allow me to extend a very warm welcome to Tomas and his team. I look forward to working closely with Framework Digital.”

– Jim Gabriel, Entrepreneur in Residence, Bucks Digital Hub

Bucks Digital Hub is located in the modern, white building next to the Grand Union Canal and Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury. Managed by Oxford Innovation, it is the latest in 27 venues that meet the needs of emerging and developing enterprises.

For information on website design, online advertising and CRM systems, please get in touch on 01296 320820 or email admin@frameworkdigital.co.uk


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